Thursday, January 27, 2011


I believe I was Four years old at the time , a favorite age and in fact my Lucky Number. After all Jean Beliveau a newly acquired Montreal Canadian Hockey team member was..NUMBER 4. Well perhaps I was a bit older when Jean, MY HERO, joined LES HABS..nonetheless here are my recollections...of being FOUR.
The fall over the ravine (Gully) is part of my tale. The Recovery from my Tumble is another part AND the Third Part.....IS........I am here to tell you THAT TALE.
Yeah it was a Tuesday as I recall or was that a Thursday?..OH Well what the Dickens does it really matter the story is just the same. Yeah as I was about to explain. That Wednesday I had time before the weekly Library Reading Session to Trike over to my favorite SPOT to watch trains. THE SPOT was across the street and well let's see now one, two, three, a and another half house down to the top of THE GULLY. This was THE SPOT. Yep just enough space down through the damp and reedy gully to view the CPR tracks, the path of my favorite visions...TRAINS. Steam Trains no less.

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