This is my first fling at blogging, if that's what you call it in the context of a Blog??I guess I'll get the hang of it, but I was never much of a writer and NEVER kept a diary.Now for the name of this Blog. What is COTTSWORLD? This is neither a place of Reality
nor Idealism; rather somewhere in between; IF there should be such a place. Could there not
be? We were SO lucky to have been raised in the Lac de Deux M. villages of HH, H & C, QC.
Just perhaps, that is where... half way between Reality and Ideal... really was and still is.
So that is where I am coming from, back to the basics and the roots. The Reality was, there
were never any worries and you had a great start in life and a good chance that all would be well. And has it not been? The Ideal was perhaps, how people that did not live there, thought how HH, H & C was. So that's how COTTSWORLD started and now is the time to look forward. BUT just before, here IS a VERY brief past history.
I came to POTtawa in February 1972 and was one of the first to have been one of hundreds, maybe thousands of the active workforce to have said salut to Quebec.
As you may know, I retired from Ma B after 28 years and I did so just
short of my 50th birthday. That was back in 1997 and in that year I joined the employ
of P B L , a tour company that has been in business for some 60 years.
My buddy DD invited me to join with them for the summer months, mid May - mid October.
So there I am 5 months of the year, meeting and greeting people from around the world.
I will be starting my 11th season with them this May. May happens to be a BIG month for
me, especially this year 2007. Why? Well I was born in May, 1947, SO YOU do the Math!
Life has been good to me, my only regret is that I cannot report to you about my family.
Oh, not about my Mum, Dad and siblings, BUT my own. Regrets at times I was never married and as far as I know..... have no dependents Ha Ha!! Maybe, perhaps, yeah..that's a good thing. Mind you, I have had the aquaintance of many beautiful gals, so there is an upside to my social history.
I have no pets (dogs, cats, etc.) as I feel I would be tied down. I try and keep active and do like
to travel once and awhile. My favorite trips in the last five years would highlight: Dominican
Republic, Vancouver, Halifax, THE MASTERS in Georgia and golf in Florida and
South Carolina. Well folks that's about it for my First slam at the plate and now I have to figure
out how to deliver this to YOU or enable you to view.
I'll have to do some fine tuning and want to get pictures going too.
But one step at a time. Geeez my beer's warm, too much talking here.
I will do my best to keep in touch with my goings ons, but being an X-Ma B Bum I kind ov
prefer communication by phone.
Cheers ..and a 2 line poem:
Toast to you with a BLUE
In other hand a BUD Too.